Director John Carney started working on Begin Again years prior to his first draft of the screenplay in 2010. Carney drew inspiration from his experiences in a band and his working knowledge of record label executives during the 1990s. Begin Again was initially titled Can a Song Save Your Life?, a title equally as fitting as the one it bears now. Principal photography took place over three weeks. The film had a $8 million budget and grossed over $63 million internationally. It first premiered at TIFF on September 7, 2013 before receiving a wide release on June 27, 2014.
the casting process
At first, John Carney sought a pop singer or an actress with a musical background for the titular role of Gretta James. Adele and Scarlett Johansson were both tied to the role at some point. Kiera Knightley had never professionally sung prior to her role as Gretta, but learned to play a guitar and rehearsed with a vocal coach in preparation for the role. Mark Ruffalo was Carney’s top pick to play Dan Mulligan. Adam Levine had his first major role in a film as Dave Kohl. Levine declined to be paid for portraying Dave, citing the experience. The talented cast shines at the core of the film.
new york city
New York City functions as more of a character than setting in the film. The city is vibrant and colorful against the backdrop of musical discovery. Director John Carney chose to highlight various pieces of the city, blending popular tourist attractions with lesser-known locations familiar to natives. Easily recognizable film locations include the East Village, Greenwich Village, Times Square, and Washington Square Park. To save money in more expensive shooting locations such as Times Square, scenes were shot late at night with a minimal camera set up. The ambient sounds of the city contribute voices to songs on the soundtrack and the almost ethereal atmospheric setting. Were Begin Again set in a different city, the film would lose the feeling of new beginnings in a refreshingly familiar place.